domenica 9 settembre 2012

Cabaret Voltaire, 1979-1982

1979/1982: "sperimental" and "industrial" electronic music

-Mix-Up (October 1979)
This your first "industrial" album.

-The Voice of America (July 1980)

-Red Mecca (August 1981)

-2x45 (May 1982)

Cabaret Voltaire are an english band from Sheffield, named from the local in Zurich where there was the "dadaism" movement. The artists begin to play songs using tapes, rumors and everithing to do an alternative music like also Throbbing Castle and Clock Dva

Stephen Mallinder (vocal, bass)
Richard H. Kirk (tapes, guitar)
Chris Watson (tapes, synth)

Genres in the 1979/1982:
Industrial, post-punk, New Wave

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